IDB 2015: All Ballroom Dancing is Oppositional for Standard/Smooth

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One of the most important differences between the beginner or lower grade dancer and the champion is the degree of understanding and use of resistance. The best dancer is the person who can leverage the most resources to their advantage. Working against the floor, working one body part against another, or working against the resistance of your partner’s frame are examples of leveraging for efficient and powerful movement.

Opposing the Floor

See notes from “How to Use the Floor.”

Opposition within the Body

  1. CBM: Begin with walking
  2. Resisting turns
    1. Back into turns: Chene turns, Alemana/Spot Turns
    2. Reverse figures
    3. Every swing action starts as an American Style Tango Corte.
  3. The opposition between the top and the base
    1. Rotation/Twist: Your partner is on your right, usually
      Practice amalgamation: Tango Promenade Swivels, Lock and Point (SQQQQ Q&Q S)
    2. Hip action vs. typewriter action of the ribcage
    3. Closed position Standard/Smooth: Everything is a Wing.
  4. Arms
    1. Ballet Port de Bras: Move as if under water
    2. Latin/Rhythm arms at ribcage level for maximum leverage
  5. Sway


Opposition Partnering

  1. The Six Connections
    1. Avoid empty, unsatisfying connections.
    2. When the follower turns herself, the leader looks weak. Give him something to do at all times.
    3. Resistance should never be rigid or overpowering. Use a numbering system, like 1-10, to be able to give the most helpful feedback to your partner to achieve the ideal connection.
  2. Latin/Rhythm Closed Position: Fulfill the frame.
    Practice figures: Jive Walks, Toe Heel Swivels
  1. Standard/Smooth
    1. The push resistance of the body pressure and the pull/draw of the frame (Cape your partner; Fly your kite)
      1. Exercise: Consecutive chasses in PP to observe the pressure between the bodies, then to ensure he is caping her
      2. Two practice amalgamations
        1. Quickstep: Quarter Turn to R, Progressive Chasse, Forward Lock (SQQS throughout)
        2. Waltz: Progressive Chasse to R, Back Lock, Back Whisk, Wing
    2. Everything is a Wing


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