IDB 2015: Mastering the Heel Turn

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The purpose of a heel turn is to turn on the smallest possible spot. Turning on the heel anchors the turn.

Three Types of Heel Turn

  1. No Turn (exercise only)
  2. Say, “Back, close, forward,” then “Left, right, left” (or “RLR,” depending on the heel turn)
  3. Focus on the footwork/foot action, saying, “Toe-heel, heel-toe, toe-heel”
  4. Keep the heel on the floor all the way in to the close
  5. Say the timing, “SQQ” aloud
  6. Use no rise of the body. Stay flat at head level.
  7. Normal: End forward
  8. Overturned: End to the side (Examples: Double Reverse Spin, Closed Impetus, Closed Telemark)

Heel Turn Checklist (To be practiced at a wall, counter or barre, alternating directions)

  1. See 1-4 of No Turn exercise
  2. The foot does not close until the turn is completed. Do not turn with the feet together.
  3. Pick up the hip of the closing foot.
  4. Do not think of closing the feet. Let the turn close the legs to close the feet.
  5. The closing foot travels in an arc, not a straight line, on its way in to the close.

Partnering Heel Turns

  1. The Three Parts of Leading Heel Turns
  2. The leader completes his rise on step one
  3. Achieve tripod foot position on step two
  4. Raise the hip on step two (sway)
  5. The step back into a heel turn is big to keep from being knocked over backward on the close.
  6. Incremental Close Exercise: The leader closes his partner’s foot in tiny stages/increments

Heel Turn Practice Amalgamations

Foxtrot Basic Amalgamation

  1. Feather Step SQQ
  2. Reverse Turn SQQ SQQ
  3. Three Step SQQ
  4. 1-3 Natural Turn SQQ
  5. Closed Impetus and Feather Finish SQQ SQQ

Note: The leader’s heel turn uses pressure rise, meaning he closes flat, then presses down to go up, because of the lateness of his rise.

Reverse Heel Turn Amalgamation

  1. Reverse Turn SQQ SQQ
  2. 1-4 Reverse Turn SQQS
  3. Basic Weave QQQQQQ
  4. Reverse Wave SQQ SQQ
  5. Closed Impetus and Feather Finish SQQ SQQ

Heel Turn Overkill Amalgamation

Alternate the Closed Telemark (SQQ) with the Natural Telemark (SQQQQ).

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