BAM Spring Class 10


Beginner Waltz/Quickstep: Review

Tango: Group 4

  1. Progressive Link                     QQ
  2. Open Promenade                    SQQS
  3. Rock Turn, Outside Partner   QQS QQS

Place the feet deliberately and sharply, like a mini-tantrum. Stab the foot into position.

Foxtrot: Basic Amalgamation

  1. Feather Step                            SQQ
  2. Reverse Turn                          SQQ SQQ
  3. Three Step                              SQQ
  4. Natural Turn                           SQQ SSS

Rumba/ChaCha/Jive: Review

Jive: Pick up the foot to the knee whenever the time allows, primarily before every chasse and rock action. As the foot comes up the hip swings in the opposite direction.

Silver Viennese Waltz: Basic Amalgamation

  1. Natural Turn                                       7 Bars
  2. Back Change Step                               1 Bar
  3. Reverse Turn, starting with 4-6          7 Bars
  4. Forward Change Step                         1 Bar

VW Technique

  1. Move sideward into closes. Do not overturn.
  2. To stay low, close the knees, not the feet.
  3. The weakest step is the close/cross. Intentionally use strong pressure from that foot to move out of the close/cross.
  4. Do not use the Change Steps at corners.

Achieving Power and Speed

  1. Always use the power of two legs, not just the standing leg. It is the combination of two simultaneously used legs which minimizes effort while maximizing impact.
  2. Turn late.
  3. School of thought #1: The follower always self-leads. She uses the connection to produce her direction changes.
  4. School #2: The follower has no direction changes of her own. She just walks and he changes her direction with the momentum and connection she provides.
  5. What kind of ice cream is your Rumba? Not vanilla!
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