BAM Spring Class 8

Download Dan Calloway’s Class Notes-BAM-20140407

Newcomer Waltz Priorities

  1. Timing
  2. Posture/Frame: Keep tone in the arms. It must always be oppositional.
  3. Rise and Fall: The lowest point is on count one. The highest on count 3. Halfway up on 2. Lower on (3) and.
  4. Footwork: Heel on count one, if going forward. Toe on Two. Toe-Heel on count three.
  5. Use a long, swinging stride, not short steps.
  6. Pull back with the feet to keep the body forward to your partner.

Quickstep Priorities: Same as Waltz, except:

3. Step one of each figure is down, the last step of each fig. is the highest, and the middle steps halfway up.

4. The first step is Heel, if going forward, the last step is Toe-Heel, and the middle steps are on the Toes.

Tango: Review Groups 1 and 2.

Rumba: Add Backward Walk after Hockey Stick. (See Bronze routine, figures 1-5, at

Cha Cha: Review


Begin in Open Position.

  1. Throwaway Whip
  2. Whip
  3. Change of Places R to L
  4. Change of Places L to R
    End in Open Position to re-start.

Silver Foxtrot: Focusing on Natural Heel Turns

  1. Three Step with Follower’s head turn to R
  2. Natural Weave (SQQ QQQQ)

Leader’s Sway: SRS LSRR

Follower’s Sway: SLS RSLL; Her head turns to the R on the third Quick.

  1. Three Step with Follower’s head turn to R
  2. 1-3 Natural Turn
  3. Impetus to PP

Foxtrot Technique

  1. All the Swing dances begin with Natural figures, including the Feather Step of the Foxtrot. Therefore, the first sway of the dance is to her left and features her and to his right with the great danger that he will drop his right elbow. Maintaining his right elbow line is a make or break technique in competitions.
  2. If the Foxtrot doesn’t have sway, it isn’t a Foxtrot. Foxtrot isn’t the steps or the timing. It is the action. Without the sway, it’s just walking.
  3. Her Natural Heel Turn should turn on her Left Heel, with her right hip (his left hip) up.
  4. The body position is 1) Knees forward, 2) Hips back, 3) Chest forward, 4) Head back

Rumba Technique

  1. Every turn is as late as possible and belongs to the next step. Example: Step three of her Hip Twist turns on (4&1) and.
  2. Every step is taken as late as possible and only after the “Yo-Yo” effect: The finish of the action on one step creates the necessity of taking the next step. Always endeavor to step after your partner on each step. Don’t be first. Then when you do step, move at the speed of light.
  3. The connection in the hands is never zero. Give pressure, but only enough to get the job done.
  4. Fan Position is: Follower facing against LOD, on the board or boards that pass in front of the Leader

The Leader is angled slightly toward the follower, not the 90 degree angle taught to beginner classes.

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