Charlotte Workshops: Samba and Quickstep


  1. Two Bota Fogos to PP and CPP 1a2 1a2
  2. Closed Voltas 1a2a3a4 1a2a3a4
  3. Merengue Chasse QQQQ SS (or 1&2& 3,4)
  4. Merengue Chasse with optional Lady’s Spiral to her right on last slow under the arm QQQQ SS
  5. Lady’s Spot Volta 1a2
  6. Whisk to Man’s Right 1a2
  7. Lady’s Spot Volta 1a2
  8. Whisk to Man’s Right 1a2

To develop the Spiral action, dance the following Rumba exercise routine:

Start in Open Position.

  1. Alemana 1 234.1
  2. Spiral to Fan Position

(Begin Spiral with an Opening Out Movement)        234.1 234.1

  1. Hockey Stick 1 234.1


We also practiced Spiral actions by dancing Rumba Forward Walks with a spiral action on every 4.1 count. To improve balance, imagine walking between two parallel ballet barres, having each hand out to the side on the barre.


Group 1

  1. Quarter Turn to R, ending in PP SQQS
  2. Chasse in PP SQQS
  3. Chasse from PP SQQS
  4. Forward Lock SQQS

Practice turning to and from Promenade Position by swiveling only the nose and toes. In reality, the leader turns his top to the right to open the follower to PP. She responds with turn primarily of her base and head to the right to PP.

Remember the phrase, “discrepant body speed!” His body accelerates past hers to open the couple to PP. To close her from PP, his body decelerates to allow her to catch up to him, resulting in her closing from PP. At first this method is the most subtle way to lead PP, but it is the best.

Group 2 (at corners)

  1. Natural Turn and Back Lock SQQ SQQS
  2. Tipple Chasse to R SQQS QQS

Both groups include Lock Steps because the followers need to be more fluent in following Locks in the Quickstep.

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